Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday - 8.17.11

Here's what I'm loving this week!

1. Will is home! Praise God!! I am loving having him here for the company, the food (mmm... Parmesan Chicken last night was deeee-lish) and for Dexter to have his playmate back. Also, I just talked to Will on the phone and he was at CostCo. I love that man.

LOVE having this man back on our couch!!
2. Michelle is coming to visit today! She hasn't been to Nashville since Kathleen and I have been living here so we are excited to show her our city and spend a little quality time together. Also, we're eating at a super yummy restaurant that Will and I have never been to since she's coming - added bonus!

Michelle, Kathleen and me at a Yankees game in April.

3. The weather! Not going to say a lot since everyone else in a 500 mile radius is feeling the same way - but thank you Lord for temps in the 80's and 90's (does that make anyone else from Little Rock want to quote the B98.5 slogan?)!

4. Small Group. I was in a small group with my friends here about a year ago and due to schedules, drive time, and general laziness on my part I was not in it for about a year. But I'm back in it and, while it has only been two weeks, I love it already. These girls are amazing and I love each and every one of them!

Just missing Brandi, Mollie and Cameron...

5. Chuck Colson. We are reading Chuck Colson's book Faith in our Sunday school class and I have been totally intrigued by his story. He was one of Nixon's top advisers and he went to prison in the wake of Watergate. He became a Christian in prison and has worked in the ministry and written some really great Christian books since then. I started his autobiography (I am a HUGE autobiography fan - ask anyone who knows me), Born Again,  last week and am really fascinated by it. If you read my last movies post you know that I am somewhat obsessed with Watergate so this book is right up my alley. 

That's all for now - Happy Wednesday! The week is half way over!!

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